søndag den 24. juli 2016
ZIMBABWE TOWARDS NEW ELECTIONS: ZIMBABWE RISE!: There is a limit to which patience and self-respect can endure, for Zimbabweans that limit has been reached and they will be no going ba...

economy of Zimbabwe was sacrificed on the alters of pompous self-regard and the
people of Zimbabwe will have none of it any more. Anyone could have seen this
coming, it was just a question of time. Mugabe made the mistake of thinking
that by silencing the nation it would translate into peace. It is a question of
time that Mugabe any time from now would be forced to relinquish office or one
of his aides will put a bullet to his head, I would go with the later, as
tempers have reached boiling point in Zimbabwe.
is it possible that a country like Zimbabwe, a nation with one of the highest
literacy in the whole of African is run by a 92-year-old man. Certainly, where
is our pride and dignity as Zimbabweans, to allow our country to be reduced to
a pariah state without speaking out about it. Piety requires that we honour the
times Mugabe has shown disquieting indifference to human nature in the form of
Gukurahundi, Operation Murambatsvina and other untold atrocities to the same
people he purports to lead. Whenever, a government begins to kill, maim and torture
its own citizens, then certainly that government is not for the people and is
not there for the benefit of the people and such a government should be toppled
by all means necessary by the people.
word on the Harare streets will be to put a price on the head of Mugabe, Grace
and their good for nothing children. In the even that Mugabe is toppled, I
would kindly urge his family to leave Zimbabwe. Let it be known to all, that we
will fight teeth and nails to get back all the looted funds and properties from
the Mugabe family and return them to the Zimbabwean state, since by law no one should
benefit from their crimes.
Mugabe, human rights are sacrosanct and they should be respected and guarded jealously.
Whenever and wherever they are breached, men and women of goodwill, should rise
up and denounce those breaches and demand a new political order. The events
unfolding at the moment point to that Zimbabweans are finally doing just that.
and immorality should be the properties of the common man, certainly, we expect
leaders to be people of good morals and where possible of utmost intellect.
Mugabe´s track record shows that he is neither a moral man or of utmost
intellect, hence his departure is long overdue.
is not a mystery as how Mugabe’s wants us to believe, but rather a revelation.
It is through our sufferings as Zimbabweans, that we have realized or revealed
to us and made apparent, that our freedom is actually in their own hands and
can be attained through our own effort. It is usually under the shadow of death
that true freedom really lies. Suddenly, we are not afraid anymore, the fear of
death has certainly left our hearts and replaced with the feeling that fear is
a disease to be driven out of every men and women of Zimbabwe, for our future
is finally within our grasp. Suffering
is permanent, obscure, and dark and has the nature of infinity. We choose not
to suffer any more! We choose not to fear anymore!
As I
wrote on my blog 2nd August 2013, stating that Mugabe’s victory of 2013 was
indeed a pyrrhic victory:
A Pyrrhic
victory is a victory with such a devastating cost that it carries the
implication that such victory will ultimately lead to defeat. Someone who wins
a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way; however, the heavy toll
negates any sense of achievement or profit. We have all experienced the
devastating consequence of Mugabe’s pyrrhic victory. I am not here to catalogue
all the sufferings we have endure; you all know them too well.
This has come to
pass and the Nations is bearing the blunt of this pyrrhic victory, of course we
saw this coming but chose not act out of fear or other self-serving reasons.
After those elections, the Zimbabwean stock exchange went into a tail spin,
which it has never recovered from. Companies closed shop and left the country
in favour for South Africa, Mozambique and Botswana. Civil servant have not
received their salaries for many months now. Opposition and demonstrations have
been suppressed with ruthless force and arrogance. War veterans, who fought for
the freedom that you and I are supposed to enjoy have been reduced to mere
pawns in Mugabe’s political chess game. Parastatals and the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe
has been looted. We are the only country in the whole that does not have its
own currency after inheriting a vibrant economy at independence 18th
My conception of Zimbabwe will be a country
where men and women will walk in ordered freedom in the independent conduct of
their occupations; where they may enjoy the advantages of wealth, not
concentrated in the hands of the few but spread through the lives of all, where
they build and safeguard their homes and give to their children the fullest
advantages and opportunities of the Zimbabwean life; where every man shall be
respected in the faith that his conscience and his heart direct him to follow;
where a contented and happy people, secure in their liberties, free from
poverty and fear, shall have the leisure and impulse to seek a fuller life.
This all leads to a release of the energies of
men and women from the dull hardships of life to a wider vision and a higher
hope. It leads to a Zimbabwe, healthy in body, healthy in spirit, unfettered,
youthful, eager, with a vision searching beyond the furthest horizons, with an
open mind sympathetic and generous.
It is to those higher ideals and for these
purposes that I pledge myself as a candidate to this high office.
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